Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lipstik Pulak Yang Beracun!!

Saya bangun awal pagi ni,tiba-tiba buang tabiat pada hhari Sabtu. Esok baru balik kampung, menjalani PBS (Pengalaman Berasaskan Sekolah) di kampung. Online punya online, saya masuk ke 'CariGold Forum'. Banyak juga perkara menarik yang saya baca, maklumlah saya ni memang suka membaca.=p

Apabila saya masuk ke 'Girls, Ladies Room', saya terbaca satu topik berkaitan Dangerous of Lipstik. Saya tertarik jugalah, sebab saya ni memang pengguna lipstik yang tegar (bibir saya agak pucat kalau tak pakai lipstik, macam orang sakit je.). Di sini saya copy and paste saja dari forum tersebut, untuk menjamin keasliannya. hehe..

"Something to consider

next time you go shopping for
This comes from someone
who works in the breast cancer unit at
Mt Sinai Hospital , in Toronto .
From: Dr. Nahid Neman
If there is a female you care anything about,
share this with her. I did!!!!!
I am also sharing this with the males on my email list,
because they need to tell the females
THEY care about as well!

Recently a lipstick brand called "Red Earth"
decreased their prices from
$67 to $9.90.

It contained lead.
Lead is a chemical which causes cancer.
The lipstick brands that contain lead are:






RED EARTH (Lip Gloss)

CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)


The higher the lead content,
the greater the chance of causing cancer.

After doing a test on lipsticks,
it was found that the Y.S.L . lipstick
contained the most amount of lead.
Watch out for those lipsticks
which are supposed to stay longer.
If your lipstick stays longer, it is
because of the higher content of lead.

Here is the test you can do yourself:

1. Put some lipstick on your hand.

2. Use a Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.

3. If the lipstick colour changes to black, then you know the lipstick contains lead.

Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer,
especially breast cancer."

Penulisnyaialah Alia_Angel,2009.

Saya menggunakan lipstik jenama Avon (sebab mak cik saya selalu beli dan hadiahkan kepada saya). Selepas membaca apa yang Alia_Angel katakan tu, saya terus ambik lipstik Avon tu dan cuba petua yang dia katakan tu. Takda apa-apa pun yang terjadi. Saya bukannya mudah percaya sangat, tapi takut jugalah apabila mendengar apa yang dikatakan tu.. Moga-moga dijauhkanlah dari perkara macam tu. Have a nice day!^^

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