Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kotak KFC Dalam Tong Sampah

Hai! Sudah makan? Saya ke? Dah, makan biskut saja.. Dan minum air kotak green tea yang mak belikan minggu lepas. Selepas tu, saya buang sampahnya di tong sampah berdekatan.

Dalam tong sampah tu, ada kotak KFC. Gambar paha ayamnya sungguh menggoda, kecur liur. Huhu.. Sabar sajalah.. Dah tengah-tengah bulan ni, nak makan yang mahal-mahal pun kena fikir 2-3 kali. Kesian pula mak nanti. Sob sob.. T_T

Apapun, saya dah kenyang ni. Bersyukur kerana mempunyai makanan yang mencukupi. Kalau makanan banyak sangat tu, ingat-ingatlah saudara kita yang kebuluran.. Jangan membazir ya..=)

#Digi Tablet Plan? Apa ni?



  1. Hehehe

    I'm just ate KCF last night. Owh it's morning actually around 2.30 AM.

    At first i want to have Burger King but too lazy to climb the stairs. McD just across the road but too expensive lor.

    Eating @ KFC Teluk Cempedak beachfront. Still i can't get enough privacy at 2.30 in the morning :(


    1. WAH...pukul 2.30 saya tengah tidur lena..=D
      saya dah buka web tu, cantik la tempat tu...
      macam besar je tempat makan di situ..=)
      kenapa xda privasi?
      tentu ramai orang kan? hehe..

  2. membazir betul...baru ni akak gi KFC..ada mamat tu makan seketul je,seketul lagi x usik pun...akhirnya buang dlm tong sampah jer...

  3. ayam..ayamm..arini ramai buat review psl kfc..lapar..haha

  4. I just woke up from sleep and felf hungry.

    Teluk Cempedak or we called it here as TC is the one of most happening beach at Semenanjung. A lot of hotels, pubs, discos and fast food outlets operating here. Many activities taking place especially on Friday and Saturday night. I dare not to go to TC at weekend. Once i have to walk 3 KM just to go to the beachhead with my friends from KL. Just have to go to entertain my best of friends that time.

    Kuantan itself is overcrowded town. It because Kuantan is regional hub of east coast region. Kuantan is the largest town in east coast of peninsular and it just a town. Actually Kuantan even larger than Kuala Terengganu which was declared as city lol. Many people from Terengganu coming here to do shopping, entertainment, relax and so on. That's why Kuantan always overcrowded.

    Come and visit Kuantan if you have time. Food here is good.

    1. hehehe..
      tak lama lagi 'naik pangkat' la kuantan ni..=)
      kalau tiada aral melintang, saya akan melancong ke semenanjung..
      manalah tau, tiba2 dapat posting kat sana..
      tak panas ke kawasan pantai?

  5. Morning teacher,

    Get my other msg at this entry


    I hope you feel better.

  6. Dh lama xmkn kfc ;( weekend ni ..mybe ;)

  7. Dah lama tak makan tu. terliur sama.


Jemput datang lagi yaa...^__^