Friday, November 2, 2012

Kak Zie Popular!

Selamat petang..=)

Tadi saya membuka dashboard blog saya ni dan membuat kajian (kekeke) tengok keyword apa yang orang taip untuk masuk ke blog ni. Rasanya laa... Hahaha... Tengok tu, nama Kak Zie juga keluar... Wow... Hihihi... Jom la singgah ke blog dia.. Klik ye.. Tak menyesal punya.. Salah satu blog yang saya rajin singgah, cuma dah jarang komen sebab line internet agak lambat. Haha..

# Pukul 8 malam nanti ada BBQ untuk kami PISMP 1109.. Almaklumlah dah tahun akhir kan.. Terharu.. Sob sob..



  1. xjemput mek sekali ka g bbq ? lalalala

  2. Hi teacher!

    Have you finish your exam? So you're leaving your alma mater soon. Things will change big time for you. Remind me my time when i'm about leaving my college too.

    I also have nice memories in IPG. It is a place close to my heart. I mean i was studied at IPG KBA in Lembah Pantai KL, but not as IPG student. It was known as Institut Bahasa then.

    So i wish you welcome to this cruel real world.

    1. not yet, this monday my last paper..=)
      what means alma mater?
      encik azlan dulu belajar di IPG KBA untuk apa?
      belajar bahasa kah?
      saya harap saya kuat dan tabah apabila memasuki alam pekerjaan kelak..
      kena mula membiasakan diri...

  3. Alma mater - any school, college, or university at which one has studied and, usually, from which one has graduated.

    Our university use IB (as it was known then) facilities to house our matriculation center back then. I was the last batch to studied there when we pull out from IB back in 1997/98.

    1. Ooo...baru tau... thanks untuk maklumat berguna ni...
      perkataan baru hari ini : alma mater..=)

      lepas tu dia jd IPG lah kan? ada sejarahnya tersendiri..


Jemput datang lagi yaa...^__^